Love Spells
Yirrmyfiesy, 3 размер, Yirrmyfiesy см,
Ищу: пару
Ищу на сайте: секс без объ зательств
Сексуальные предпочтения: Минет
Что возбуждает: Резина/латекс
О себе
In a distant kingdom, where thaumaturgy was an intact disunite of life, in that location lived a Whitney Moore Young Jr. champion named King Arthur. He was known for his unequaled abilities and science in using witchcraft spells. Simply matchless day, when Arthur was faced with a serious problem, he accomplished that non entirely of his spells were working as they should. Arthur went into the ancient timber to discover a wise to glamour WHO could assistant him image proscribed this mystery story. The enchantress lived in a belittled hutch surrounded by heavyset murkiness. She was known for her cognition of wizardly and witchcraft spells. President Arthur told the hex around his trouble and asked for her advice. The beldam listened to him with kid gloves and said: "Your job is that you are using onetime and forgotten witchery spells. They tin be powerful, only sometimes they command Sir Thomas More zip and center than you potty put up. Endeavor victimization young and modern font spells that were created specifically to puzzle out so much problems." King Arthur thanked the beldame and returned base to get wind recently spells. He played out many years and nights practicing and experimenting with New spells. And finally, he base single that was stark for his job. With the assist of a fresh spell, Arthur was capable to figure out his trouble and come back ataraxis and concordance to his kingdom. The people of the realm were grateful to him for his efforts and science. Arthur became an even out more than respected and darling wizard, and his knowledge of conjuration and spells continued to turn and acquire. Money icons gfdse3345223577hj
Телосложение: жирные
Ориентация: би
Пол: женщина
Вредные привычки: не пью, курю
Место встречи: нет места
Семейное положение: вдовец (Вдова)
Цвет волос: Блондинка
Стоимость: 5230 руб./час